Tuesday, July 6, 2010

All good things.....

They say all things end badly, otherwise they wouldn’t end. By “them”, of course I mean Tom Cruise in Cocktail--that movie is profound and genius. Good or bad, necessary or unnecessary, happy or sad, I hate endings. If I come across a series finale on the television, I will cry, regardless of whether I’ve ever watched a single episode of the show. I’m not sure why I’m so affected by these endings. Perhaps it’s the feelings of loss accompanying them—the fact that now I have to find something else to fill my time at 8:00 pm on Thursdays. Perhaps it’s the disappointment—the idea that I’ve put several years into these characters and their lives and now they’re gone. I’ve watched them, supported them, hurt for them, and have come to expect them to be there for me. Maybe I’m just really curious and want to know what’s going to happen next—that because I’ve been part of the past, I deserve to be part of the future. Maybe I’m really selfish and arrogant—if I’ve chosen you to be a part of my life, then how can you just not be there anymore? It seems quite silly to me……and a little sad.

Thank goodness for reruns and syndicated television, those moments that allow you to remember those who were a part of your life, albeit briefly, with fondness and a hope that whatever comes next for them, that it was good and their endeavors were successful. And maybe, these moments will also provide a moment in which you suddenly realize that there are indeed other options at 8:00 pm on Thursdays, that now this show seems a little out-dated, a little less relevant, that you miss it a little less……

I have a feeling that maybe we’re not really talking about just tv shows here anymore….either way, I hate endings. Even when they’re for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Posted at 2:28 PM? So this is what you do at work. :-)
